What works for me?
How do I keep kids busy without overloading my pack with toys, or making the trip about stopping at arcades, ice cream shops, and tourist traps?
I’ve enjoyed success using the following 8 tips…
1. Invite a friend
Bring a friend for your child to play with. Will extra
feeding and care for an extra child be required? Absolutely, yes. But you will
have more whine-free time to enjoy your trip and your adult pursuits because
the children will entertain each other.
Is your child too small for sleep-overs? Why not invite the friend’s
family to camp with you? With the child’s parents in tow, there will be no trip
back to the city with the child who cannot sleep away from Mama for fear spiders
or bears may attack at any moment. If your child is no longer a toddler, a
friend will go further than any toy, game, or snack bribe in making the camping
experience more pleasant for everyone.
2. Nature art keeps kids busy in the outdoors
Sticks, stones, acorns, feathers, shells, fallen leaves, and
other natural finds make for ready art supplies. Look for an opportunity to
take a break and do nature art when children tire of fishing, get restless sitting
around the campsite, or while hiking.
Try leaving some nature art behind and imagining what the next campers will think of it. Once these traditions start, they can take on lives of their own.
Try leaving some nature art behind and imagining what the next campers will think of it. Once these traditions start, they can take on lives of their own.
3. Photography keeps kids engaged in the outdoors
Why not let your child keep an eye out for photo
opportunities and shoot a few digital pictures? There is no film cost. The photos
may not be keepers, but will be entertainment for the child and a source of “I
took this picture myself” pride.
It is also an opportunity for us to practice patience and teach our children to behave responsibly with valuable items. It is best to use a wrist strap or other safety device to prevent the child from dropping the camera over a cliff or into the lake.
You know your child better than anyone. By all means use your best judgment. Can your child handle the responsibility, or will the responsibility lead to a bad experience for everyone involved?
4. Toys, a little bit goes a long way towards keeping kids happy in camp
Luckily my child is a creature of logic and the explanation
of the fate her favorite stuffed animals could endure was enough to deter her
from bringing them on outings when she was small. Indeed, stuffed animals and cloth dolls can come
to bad ends in the outdoors. If your child cannot live without an attachment
buddy, if at all possible, encourage attachment to a special camping buddy who
happens to be waterproof, nonelectric, and easily washed. Now that our daughter is in second grade, she still understands the risks and takes responsibility to bring the stuffed animal with a rule that it stays in a dry bag when outside the tent for the best shot at preserving
it for future snuggles. She knows if she is not vigilant, she will ruin a favorite possession.
The biggest winners have been a plastic boat tied to a string, and a squirt gun to fill and squirt around. Just ensure the toy floats even if it takes on water. I will never forget the day my child removed her wrist loop and soon thereafter threw her Gumby-on-a-string into the lake. We failed to recover Gumby. She cried miserably for the remainder of our paddle.
Got teens? Teenagers love to be in and on the water. When teens get bored, it leads behaviors that frustrate everyone. What have I seen work? Exercise! On the trail and in the water, with the favorite activity being paddling kayaks and canoes. This is also a good opportunity for the older kids to gain a bit of freedom by putting some distance between themselves and the adults and smaller children.
Older kids also have a great time swimming.
5. Star-gazing keeps kids busy in camp
Urban and suburban night skies cannot compete with night
skies in camp. Kids can’t help but find the night sky in the wilderness amazing.
Find a clearing and as the sky darkens, see who can spot the first star. Begin
to count them.
Soon the sky will fill with stars. Look for patterns in the
night, discuss the phase of the moon, or try to find the big dipper or
other constellations. If you’re lucky you might just spot some bats flying as
you gaze at the night sky making the night all the more exciting for your
Navigation keeps kids engaged on the trail and on the Water
Whether hiking or paddling, children will feel more like
part of the fun if they are included in map reading, compass reading, and
spotting landmarks. Got an old compass? Attach it to your child’s backpack.
Going on a hike or paddle? Print out an extra copy of the route for your child.
You get a double bonus with this idea. You’re providing
entertainment for today, and building navigation skills for tomorrow. Everybody
7. Writing it down keeps kids busy in camp
Let your child hide a special rock and create a treasure map
for finding it. Or, you hide something your child might enjoy finding and draw
a treasure map for your child. Forgot your pencil? Play hot and cold.
Do your children like to plan and make lists? Mine does, but
her letters are illegible and everything must be slowly and repeatedly spelled.
I know, I know. Take a deep breath. Be patient.
Suggest to your child to make a list of things to look for on your hike (animal tracks, wild flowers, pine cones, clouds, ants, deer…). Cross them off as they are found on your “treasure hunt”. Shhh! Don’t tell the kids. The phase “treasure hunt” is fool-me-into-thinking-it’s-fun code for hiking.
Suggest to your child to make a list of things to look for on your hike (animal tracks, wild flowers, pine cones, clouds, ants, deer…). Cross them off as they are found on your “treasure hunt”. Shhh! Don’t tell the kids. The phase “treasure hunt” is fool-me-into-thinking-it’s-fun code for hiking.
Another twist on this is to go for a walk and have
your child write down all the interesting bugs, critters, and sights you see.
Then, ask them to get the list out at campfire time and talk about it.
8. Story telling keeps kids happy in camp
Kids love campfire stories. My child loves made up stories
with herself as the lead character saving an imaginary sibling from the evil
witch, or using her super powers to stop the bad guys.
Not the creative type? Tell the classic children’s stories from your child hood such as The Three Little Pigs or Little Red Riding Hood.
Not the creative type? Tell the classic children’s stories from your child hood such as The Three Little Pigs or Little Red Riding Hood.
Kids too old for fairy tales? Get them to tell ghost stories, or talk about stuff that happened in school. Do they insist you tell the stories? This can get old after a while, especially if you are fresh out of creative story lines.
Keeping kids busy and engaged in the outdoors – a final word
Tips for keeping kids busy and engaged need to be adapted to
the child. One child may be perfectly capable of responsibly handling
cameras or binoculars, while another may be certain to break them. One child may
be perfectly entertained on his own collecting goodies for making “nature art”,
while another requires more interpersonal interaction. One child may enjoy
sitting quietly making lists, while another may need high action.
You get where I am going with this. Know your child and
engage accordingly.
For more on hiking, paddling, and camping with kids, check
out Mama's 4 Tips for Keeping Kids Motivated to Hike and Paddle in the The Secret to Camping,
Hiking, and Paddling with Kids Series.
Do you have tips to
share for keeping kids engaged in the outdoors?
I’d love to hear from
you. Please comment below.
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